Myanmar’s coastline is long and fisheries and aquaculture have big potentials in the country. While Myanmar’s fisheries industry is very basic, the export potential of shrimps, crabs and fish is substantial. Myanmar’s coastline is long and fisheries and aquaculture have big potentials in the country. The Norwegian government has made several assessments of the fisheries industry and Norad – the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation issued “A Study of Market Opportunities for Potential Investors in Aquaculture Production, Technology and Services in Myanmar” in 2016, which focuses on marine aquaculture Sector in the Tanintharyi Region. We see opportunities in an environmentally sustainable optimisation of the whole value chain for marine production in Myanmar, especially towards export of high yield products such as shrimps. This means that not only basic equipment is needed, but also development of new modern fishing vessels, receiving terminals and processing plants for both finished products and production waste.
Myanmar has for many years supplied merchant seafarers to the international shipping industry. During the closed period after the military coup in 1962 merchant seamen were some of the few Burmese able to get access to passports and foreign travel. In line with an increasing demand for qualified seafarers, Norwegian companies have looked to Myanmar as a future source of staff. In 2015, an Agreement of Recognition of Seafarers Certificates issued by The Republic Union of Myanmar was signed. Myanmar seafarers are now eligible to work on board Norwegian vessels. The agreement opens for job opportunities in the Norwegian merchant fleet for highly qualified Myanmar seafarers. In addition, it could over time open up a new recruitment base for Norwegian companies in addition to the Philippines. In the long run, Norwegian maritime operators may look to set up businesses and training facilities in Myanmar.